This does become messy with the Collections Plugin, take say Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. ReadyMedia Kodi Mopidy OpenMediaVault Plex Media Server HiFiBerryOS Emby.
#Emby client multiple movie versions install#
My work around is just to use Collections such as the infamous four versions of Apocalypse Now I have just grouped as a Collection and added my own Meta data for each film. If you were using a modded skin for the MediaBrowser addon, make sure to set it in 'normal Kodi mode' or just install the unmodded version of the skin.To prevent any conflicts, remove the 'old' MediaBrowser addon from your Kodi setup. Here are several ways you can start using your Raspberry Pi as a media. Typically though as you choose each film, the Cover Art should change, the Credits could change the Description could change so it should be able to contain multiple sets of information for each version. Das Programm wird von der Emby Community entwickelt. Während man bei Plex und bei Emby für einige Premium Features bezahlen muss, ist Jellyfin vollkommen Kostenlos. Jellyfin ist relativ Neu und Konkurrent auf einer ganz anderen Ebene. Emby ist quasi der direkte Konkurrent zu Plex.

I see two versions of the film, however unless I'm mistaken it removed information such as Runtime as they are both different. Ich denke Plex ist der bekannteste unter den dreien. As of version 3.5.3 Emby has been relicensed and is now closed-source. So the next time you want to watch a movie, try it with the web client on one of. So I am not sure if there is a way to have multiple versions of the same movie with different meta data. Emby (formerly Media Browser) is a media server designed to organize, play, and stream audio. A new version of Emby Server has been released with some exciting new.